Neil's Moscow Diary...
(a very irregular kind of diary - don't expect weekly entries!)

January 2003 Another New Year begins in Russia - this is my fourth year living in Moscow (this time around - I was here in the USSR era too). We have so many holidays and parties this time of year, you almost get fed-up with them. First there is 25th Dec - which is Christmas for you, but not here! Then Jan 1st, which is the biggest party of the year. Then we have Russian Christmas - on Jan 7th, because of the way the Orthodox Church calculates the year. And finally, we have the Old New Year - on Jan 14th. That's when they used to celebrate the New Year before the Calendar-changes brought in by the Communists... Russia used to be two weeks behind the rest of Europe, saying the Catholic Church had got its sums wrong.

My Christmas - well, the one on 25th Dec, anyhow! - was spent leading a Beetroot Bus Christmas Trip. I like to lead trips myself sometimes... you get a waaay better idea what people thought about the trip from their faces and reactions, than they will ever tell you on a Questionnaire afterwards. The later hours of 25th Dec saw quite a few people who weren't exactly "in showroom condition" after a few vodkas...

I managed to catch 'flu later in January. The weather in Moscow's been vile - down to -33C one day, then up to nearly 0C so the snow and ice melts... then back down to -22C so it all freezes and turns to an ice-rink....

Russia Experience got shown on ITV's "Wish You Were Here"... something that took months of planning last year. When it was finally shown, there were some behind-the-scenes problems no-one would have anticipated, and they've been a headache we could have done without!! However, it seems to have smoothed-over now, and Part II is going to be broadcast as scheduled on 21st Jan... Fingers crossed!

More in the Diary later....

Russia Experience Director Neil McGowan lives and works in Moscow. In 2003 he decided to keep a Diary of what that's actually "like"? This is the result...

trans-siberian, Russia, Mongolia, China budget trips